Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Making the Disney Plans ... I can't sleep ... I'm already tooooo excited!

Candy looks like she's thinking ... Oh, no! I'm tired just thinking about it!

1.) Got a date {first part of March 2017} subject to change ...

2.) Look for airline tickets. I made a excel spread sheet to compare prices and layovers. I don't want Missy to be stuck in an airport with 2 little one's that are bored out of their minds. And I don't want the layover to be at Dallas...nuf said!

3.) Compare day's of the week for the lowest airfare ... Tuesday's and Wednesdays seem best and that works with days I've chosen.

4.) Coordinate my flight with theirs, maybe I can fly with them the last part of the way. It will allow me to see their little faces when we get there, too!

5.) Disney Resort reservations ... turned out to be the easiest part so far! I know the tickets can be purchased by other groups, but I want to make sure I don't have any hassles when I get there. And Disney allows you to pay $200 up front, and make payments on the balance (as long as its paid in full 30 days before your arrival date).

6.) choose the number of day passes into Disney Parks...let's see...I wont be going into the parks on the Sabbath, we don't want to go on the day we arrive or the day we are going to be leaving (couldn't get the flights out late enough). So 5 day passes should do for us. And we shouldn't need the Hopper passes.

7.) I had already decided against buying the dinner packages, but I do want the memories maker. I got this last time I went in 2010. This time it will be more special with my grandson's pictures.

8.) add the transportation from the airport to Disney ... 

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