Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Laminated Puzzle sheets 
55 Days Left till our trip

I wish the photos did them justice. But knowing that my 2 little grandsons are going to be tied in an airplane seat for most of the day - I want to try to help keep them busy. During our lay over in Houston, Texas I hope they have a place for little ones to play, jump, run and play ... just expend some of the energy they are bound to have! I truly hope that Airports have kept their littlest passengers in mind. Neither of the boys will be able to ride for free, so they are paid passengers just like everyone else. I know other passengers don't want to hear little ones crying or yelling ... and believe me when I say - the mommy's and daddy's don't want to hear that either! It is their worst nightmare ... 
As the Nana ... I hope I can help! I made a Flight bag for each of the boys (ages 5 and 2). 

Color Sheets and Puzzles pages ... This is how I made them. 

I made these in the hopes they will be educational as well as being fun. 

I found puzzles and color pictures online. I downloaded the pics and printed them 4 to a page. 

Cutting them apart using metal rulers and a box knife took a while. But I don't have any of the fancy machines they sell today ... LOL. If you do, you can cut your time way down. 

Using laminate paper I found at Walmart I covered each one and cut a hole in the top. Then placed a key ring threw them, They can each be removed for the boys to color or work the puzzles and then put back on the ring. 

The twist up crayons I got for the boys don't show up very well on these ... so I'm looking for markers or a better choice of something they can use on them. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you can use dry erase markers or crayons on them.
